The Stats You Need To Know When Designing Your Office (Infographic)
- 97% of survey respondents stated that they regard their workplace as a symbol of whether or not they are valued by their employer. – HR in Asia
- Pets in the workplace improve employee morale, productivity, and personal workplace satisfaction. – Banfield
- Multiple computer screens were found to increase productivity up to 50% for employees. – CBI Office
- 67% of employees with access to free food at work are “very” or “extremely” happy at work. – SnackNation
- Offices see up to 11 per cent gains in productivity from improved ventilation, up to 23 per cent gains in productivity from improved lighting design and significant improvement in employee recruitment and retention as a result of green retrofits. – GreenBuildingPress
- 25% of survey respondents would be willing to commute an extra 30 minutes to work in their perfect office. – What Workers Want
- 76 percent of millennials, ages 18-34, feel somewhat or very strongly that that office design and aesthetic influences their impression of a company. – PR News Wire
- Adding plants to the office caused a 37% fall in reported tension and anxiety; a 58% drop in depression or dejection; a 44% decrease in anger and hostility; and a 38% reduction in fatigue. – CIPHR
- Only 24% of U.S. workers are in optimal workplace environments. – Allwork
- In international surveys from Ipsos and the Workspace Futures Team of Steelcase,95% said working privately was important to them. However, less than half (41%) said they could work privately. Worse still, 31% of employees have to leave the office to complete their work. – Quills
- Employers who can focus are 31% more satisfied, 14% higher performing, and see their companies as more innovative. – Allwork
- Employees lose as much as 86 minutes a day due to noise distractions. – The Guardian
- In environments with white noise, or sound masking, employees report improvements of up to 38 percent for the performance of simple tasks and 27 percent for complex tasks. – Hok
- Studies have shown that in some offices the introduction of sit-stand desks increased productivity by 46%! – CNN