
Small but Mighty – Revolutionising Facilities Management

In the realm of facilities management, size doesn’t always determine success. In fact, smaller firms with niche specialties can often provide a level of personalised service and innovation that larger corporations struggle to match. Today, we’re going to explore the unique advantages of partnering with a small facilities management company that boasts a powerful Facilities Management software, expertise in fit-out installations and comprehensive FM compliance management.

Facilities Management Supplier

One of the primary benefits of working with a small facilities management company is the personalised attention clients receive. Unlike larger firms, where you might be just another account number, smaller companies often prioritise building strong relationships with their clients. This means you’re not just another contract to fulfill but a valued customer whose unique needs are understood, addressed and the relationship is nurtured.

Agility and Flexibility

Small facilities management companies are inherently more agile and flexible than their larger counterparts. They can adapt quickly to changing circumstances, whether it’s adjusting schedules, accommodating special requests, or implementing new technologies. This agility ensures that your facility management needs are met promptly and efficiently, without bureaucratic delays or red tape.

Specialised Expertise

While larger firms may offer a broad range of services, small facilities management companies often specialise in specific areas, allowing them to become experts in their field. In the case of our featured company, their unique selling proposition lies in their Facilities Management software, fit-out installation capabilities, and site compliance management expertise. This specialisation means you’re benefiting from the latest advancements and best practices in those particular areas, resulting in superior service and outcomes.

Fit-Out and Maintenance

Beyond the initial fit-out installation, the commitment to client solutions continues with ongoing maintenance and compliance. Here’s where their unique value proposition truly shines. Once the fit-out is complete, many facilities face the challenge of maintaining compliance with various regulations and standards, especially concerning critical elements like boilers, warehouse doors, lifts, and more.

This is where your FM partner steps in with their comprehensive approach to maintenance and compliance management should you require this. They understand that ensuring the continued functionality and safety of these key components is paramount for the smooth operation of your facility. Their team is well-versed in the intricacies of regulatory requirements and industry standards, ensuring that your facility remains in compliance at all times.

By entrusting your maintenance and compliance needs to our FM partner, you can rest assured that critical systems are regularly inspected, serviced, and documented after a fit-out. This proactive approach not only minimises the risk of downtime and costly repairs but also demonstrates a commitment to the safety and well-being of your staff and visitors.

Integrated Solutions

What sets the small facilities management company apart is their ability to provide integrated solutions throughout the entire lifecycle of your facility. From initial fit-out installations to ongoing site compliance management, they have you covered every step of the way. Their comprehensive Facilities Management software serves as a central hub for managing all aspects of your facility, streamlining processes, and ensuring seamless communication between stakeholders.


Contrary to common misconceptions, partnering with a small facilities management company can often be more cost-effective than opting for a larger firm. Without the overheads associated with big corporate structures, small companies can offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Moreover, their efficiency and expertise can help optimise operations and minimise unnecessary expenses over time, delivering long-term value for your investment.

Extension to the Team

By outsourcing your facility management needs, you’re not just hiring a service provider – you’re gaining access to a pool of expertise and resources that may not be available in-house. The third party provider can become the ‘extenstion of the team’ or the ‘main go-to team’ which could lead to significant cost savings.

Firstly, relying on a third-party FM provider means you can access skills and knowledge that you may not have within your own team. Whether it’s specialised technical expertise, regulatory compliance know-how, or innovative solutions, your FM partner can fill in the gaps and provide invaluable support where needed. This means you don’t have to invest in hiring additional staff or training existing employees, saving both time and money.

Furthermore, having a smaller in-house team supplemented by an outsourced FM partner can lead to more efficient resource allocation. Instead of maintaining a large team to cover all possible scenarios, you can streamline your internal operations and focus on core business activities. Knowing that your FM partner is just a phone call away provides peace of mind, allowing you to scale resources up or down as needed without the overheads associated with maintaining a large in-house team.

In essence, the cost-effectiveness of partnering with a small facilities management company extends beyond the immediate financial savings. It’s about leveraging external expertise and resources to enhance your operational efficiency, minimise risks and drive overall business performance. By viewing your FM partner as an extension of your team, you’re not just reducing costs – you’re unlocking new possibilities for growth and success.

Commitment to Excellence

Finally, what truly sets a small facilities management company apart is their unwavering commitment to excellence. They take pride in their work and are dedicated to exceeding client expectations at every turn. Whether it’s ensuring your facility is running smoothly, maintaining compliance with regulations, or leveraging technology to drive innovation, they go above and beyond to deliver results that speak for themselves.

In conclusion, while big names may dominate the facilities management industry, there’s a compelling case to be made for the power of small. By partnering with a specialised firm like the one we’ve discussed, you’re not just getting a service provider – you’re gaining a strategic partner invested in your success. With personalised attention, specialised expertise, integrated solutions, and a commitment to excellence, the small facilities management company is proving that when it comes to managing your facility, size isn’t everything – it’s the quality of service that truly matters.

Three essentials every new business owner will need


The moment your new business finally gets up and running can feel incredibly exciting, particularly if you have lots of plans that you’re eager to put into action. Of course, having big aspirations for a new company can also mean encountering hurdles, particularly in your first year of navigating the business landscape.

If you’re in the process of starting up a new business, you’ll be keen to ensure a smooth transition navigating the business landscape. Want to ensure that the launch of your new business goes as smoothly as possible? If the answer is yes, read on for three essential components that are key to a successful start-up venture.


An inspiring, functional office space

It can be hard to get into that motivational mindset if your office isn’t inspiring or equipped to promote progression, but by investing in your workspace, you can make it a place that both you and your colleagues will love to be in. Use warm, vibrant colours in collaborative spaces to help your employees get their creative juices flowing, and subtle neutrals in your personal office space to promote a sense of calm and allow for mental clarity. Incorporating office plants into your space is also a great way to add some pops of colour in addition to their health benefits.

When you start your renovations, it’s worth future-proofing your office space for growth. I’ts more more cost-effective to get everything done with one installation charge and this also ensures that the range you chose won’t be discontinued in the future  and ensure everything matches and ties in nicely.

Of course, your office needs to be functional, too. New business owners should make sure they have ample storage space to securely file important documents, as well as plenty of room for meetings and breakout spaces, and don’t forget to include extras like charging points, hot water taps and vending machines. You’ll also want to ensure that you also have the latest technology in place on employee laptops, including video call software like MS Teams, Zoom or Google Meet.

A professional website

Your website is essentially the face of your business, and first impressions count. It’s important to make sure that your website looks professional, and is well-developed with functionality in mind. Ensure contact forms are built-in and look to connect any leads straight into your chosen CRM.

Your website is also the ideal place to showcase team talent. This is key for new business leaders looking to make their mark and gain the trust of potential clients, investors and future employees.

To boost your website’s performance, you’ll want to think about your on-page content and ensure this is SEO-enhanced. To do this, you can reach out to a local marketing agency whose creative writing team will be on hand to help ensure your site has the right keywords built-in. Similarly, you may want to devote some time to developing your online presence in other areas, such as  social media to encourage more traffic to your site.

A determined team

There’s no business without people, and while you’ve come a long way in getting your company set up, it’ll be hard to move forward and truly progress without the support of a committed team behind you, particularly if you’re looking to expand quickly.

It can take some time to get the right group of people together, and when you’re first starting out, it can be hard to know exactly who your company needs, and what gaps they need to fill. For this reason, any business start-up should focus on hiring professionals who are motivated and determined to create something that will last – people who see and understand the company vision, and are committed to undertaking the hard work needed to get there.

A successful future in business

Those who have made it far enough to start their own business are likely to already have a good idea of exactly what they need to take their company to the next level. Plus, the essentials you’ll need will usually become clearer as you navigate your first year or so of business, identifying any gaps and areas for improvement along the way.

With the help of a functional space, industry-standard equipment, a little creative marketing and a motivated team, you have plenty to get you set up and working towards a successful future in business.

Office Essentials – Top 10 Must Have’s for a Happy Office Life

Welcome to the heart of the modern workplace, where productivity meets pleasure! In the hustle and bustle of office life, there are certain items that elevate our working day from mundane to marvellous. Join us on a whimsical journey as we explore the top 10 items in the office that we simply can’t live without!

Office Essentials

1. Team Spirit

First and foremost, our list wouldn’t be complete without the intangible but essential element – team spirit! The camaraderie, shared laughter, and collaborative energy of a united team are the true heart and soul of the office. It’s the secret ingredient that turns coworkers into friends and transforms the daily grind into a shared adventure.

2. Biscuit Bonanza

What’s a coffee break without some biscuits to dunk? Biscuits are the unsung heroes of office snacks – versatile, delicious, and perfect companions for tea or coffee. Whether you’re a classic digestive dunker or an adventurous chocolate chip explorer, biscuits make every break a delightful experience.

3. Stationery Staples

Now, let’s shift gears from edible delights to the practical essentials – stationery! The satisfying click of a pen, the crisp pages of a notebook, and the rainbow of sticky notes – these are the tools that transform a chaotic desk into an organized command centre. Stationery items bring colour, creativity, and a touch of personal flair to our workspaces.

4 . Post-it Notes – The Brain’s BFF

Speaking of stationery, let’s give a special nod to sticky notes – the brain’s best friend. These little squares of magic turn forgotten tasks into visible reminders, colour-code chaos into order, and transform any surface into an impromptu canvas for doodles and ideas. Where would we be without them?


5. The Mighty Coffee Machine

Let’s kick off our list with the undisputed champion of office survival – the coffee machine! It’s not just a device; it’s a lifesaver. This magical contraption transforms groggy Monday mornings into energetic masterpieces. With every rich, aromatic cup, the coffee machine becomes the a daily comfort, saving us from the clutches of sleepiness one sip at a time.


6. Snack Cupboard Sanctuary

Have you seen the snack offerings in the workplace these days?  The snack cupboard is the sacred space where office snacks go to shine bright! Whether you’re craving something salty, sweet, or a bit of both, the snack cupboard has your back. There to satisify our grazing needs and to help turn frowns into smiles with every crunch. Choice ranges from biscuits to popcorn and Haribo’s to a healthy fruit basket.


7. The Elixir of Life – Coffee

Yes, we’ve already mentioned the coffee machine, but let’s give a special shout-out to the true elixir of life – coffee itself! From cappuccinos to lattes, espressos to cold brews, coffee is the fuel that powers our brainstorming sessions and fuels our creativity. It’s not just a beverage; it’s a warm hug in a mug that brings colleagues together over shared caffeine-induced enthusiasm.


8. Personalised Desk Decor

An often-overlooked element in the office realm is personalized desk decor. Whether it’s a quirky desk toy, a motivational quote, or a collection of succulents, these little touches turn a generic workspace into a personal sanctuary. Desk decor adds character, inspiration, and a touch of home to our daily grind.


9. The Comfortable Chair

Amidst the chaos of office life, one constant remains – the trusty, comfortable chair. It’s not just a seat; it’s a haven where ideas are born, problems are solved, and power naps are taken (shhh, we won’t tell the boss). A good chair is the unsung hero of ergonomic bliss, supporting us through the highs and lows of the workday.

10. Vending Machine Marvels

Next up, we have the treasure trove of snacks and delights – the vending machine! When that mid-afternoon hunger pang strikes, there’s nothing like the satisfying hum of the vending machine offering an array of treats. From sweet to savoury, this magical box of wonders fuels our creativity and keeps us going through the toughest of deadlines.


And there you have it, the top 10 items in the office that make our working day not just bearable but downright enjoyable! From the aromatic embrace of the coffee machine to the comforting presence of a personalized desk, each item plays a unique role in shaping our office experience. So, here’s to the unsung heroes of the workplace – may they continue to brighten our days and make the office a place we genuinely can’t live without!

Quills acquires UOE as part of its continued growth plans

We are pleased to announce that Quills Group has acquired UOE Business Supplies operation effective from 1st October 2019.

We would like to welcome the UOE customers and confirm that the UOE Account Management team will be transferring across to Quills to ensure a smooth transition and that its ‘business as usual’ from day one.

Quills Managing Director, Andy Efstathiou said: “UOE and Quills share the same customer-focused attitude as well as common platforms in online technology, national distribution network and many of the same suppliers. We’re really excited to welcome the UOE business team who join us as part of the growing Quills family.”

Managing Director and Postmaster, Elliot Jacobs from UOE explained “until now our business has had two distinct and separate channels providing business supplies and furniture via our commercial sales team, as well as our expanding retail operations. Divesting our B2B division will enable us to focus our entire team on ensuring that we strive to be the very best example of independent retailing on the High Street.”

Find Quills in the Evening Standard & win a £50 Love2Shop voucher

Are you going to be in London on Tuesday 24th September? Pick up your copy of the Evening Standard and look out for Quills feature in the ‘Be Your Own Boss’ article (psst…it’s just past the middle pages!).

We’ve snuck a hashtag in the article and your job is to tag us in a post on Twitter or Facebook and comment what the hashtag was we used for your chance to win a £50 Love2Shop voucher!

You must also be following the account you used to submit your entry.

Entries are open until Sunday 29th September 2019 and the winner will be announced on Monday 30th September.

Good luck!


Terms and conditions:

  1. Entries should be based in the UK&I and must not be a Quills employee
  2. Closing date for entries is 11.59 pm on the 29/09/19
  3. Only one entry per person can be submitted on Twitter and Facebook
  4. A winner will be selected at random on the 30/09/2019 and the winner will be notified via the relevant social media channel that their entry was submitted on
  5. Entries must be submitted via Quills UK Facebook or Quills UK Twitter and the participant must be following the social media account used to qualify
  6. A £50 Love2Shop voucher will be sent to the winner by post and no cash alternative or prize will be provided
  7. Quills Group is a trading name for Quills Office Supplies Ltd and our registered address is Unit 2 Spitfire Business Park, 1 Hawker Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 4WD

How can Managed Print Services (MPS) benefit my business?

For the majority of businesses, printing is an essential function. However, what most businesses probably don’t know is that the approach you take towards printing can heavily impact the overall costs, productivity levels, ROI, workflow and much more within your organisation.

What is Managed Print Services?

Managed Print Services is the active management and optimisation of document output devices and related business processes.  Sounds technical right? Don’t worry, that’s where a print business partner can help to guide you through the options available.

In summary, MPS solutions are designed to streamline your print and post processes as well as reduce downtime so that your business can work more effectively.

What is the process involved?

Our handy diagram below illustrates how the MPS process works and ultimately, how each stage of the process can benefit your business:

How will MPS benefit my business?

  • Reduce ‘Local’ printers

Your multi-function printer may already be able to print, copy, scan and fax but adding Document Management Solutions will not only multiply your productivity but could save you as much as 30% on your total document costs. But not only that, having an effective print solution in place can simplify and automate your everyday tasks, improve document security, enable new revenue and so much more.

Most multi-function printers also require unique cartridges which are more costly and have inventory tracking challenges. Eliminating these traditional printer frustrations will not only reduce time, but it will help you meet your environmental goals.

  • Analyse your printing needs

Is your IT Department spending time analysing your printer fleet?  This probably isn’t the best use of their time and FREE audits are available to help you with this.

MPS providers are experts in this field and can conduct a fully comprehensive evaluation of your print environment, document infrastructure and workflows to develop a road map for your future ideal state, including cost savings and projections. Providers such as Quills Limpio will also support you through the transition process and securely connect everything to your IT environment.

  • Manage remote printing

An easy to view dashboard can provide a snapshot of historical data, current and new status events. Your print partner would monitor your printer fleet for you, notifying you of any maintenance issues and email you when ink cartridges are running low. Automatic discovery of network printers (no manual entry required) and this monitoring can be applied onto secure networks.

  • Added levels of security

With legislation such as GDPR in full swing, it’s important not to overlook your printers and printer network within the office as this is where a huge amount of personal data is produced. Your MPS partner will walk you through how to ensure print jobs are secure.  Print jobs can be activated by card or by a unique pin number, can be produced with a file name, date, time and watermarks meaning a document is never lost and can be traced back to the author. Documents and personal data are kept secure and GDPR safe as they aren’t printed until you’ve entered your unique password.


Have you considered Eco Printing?

However big or small your printing needs may be, eco printing can take the headache out of managing your printing as well as eliminate traditional printer frustrations. It involves Replaceable Ink Pack System (RIPS) technology which uses super-high-yield ink supply units for printing up to 84,000 pages between ink charges. The benefits of this include:

  • 96% less energy than laser printers
  • 94% less waste than laser printers
  • 92% less Co2 emissions than laser printers


MPS can come in a variety of forms and can be completely tailored to suit your businesses requirements. Quills Limpio has flexibility at the heart of its service and are not tied to one manufacturer meaning that we can work with you and make unbiased recommendations to provide the best results and return on investment for your business. With flexibility at the heart of our service, we are able to tailor packages to your exact requirements for your photocopier, multi-functional devices and/or franking machines, ultimately helping you to achieve your GDPR compliant business objectives.

Why not take a look at our new 2019 brochure or get in touch for more information?

Get prepared for Stationery Shop Saturday

So, it’s day 6 of National Stationery Week 2019 and this year we’re celebrating Stationery Shop Saturday! Let’s face it, most of us have a favourite pen, a beloved battered notebook or even a well chewed pencil that we always have close at hand at our workplace.

In honour of Stationery Shop Saturday, why not celebrate and give those old friends a rest and try out some of the fab alternatives that are available over at Quills? If you haven’t got an account, simply send us a message on Live Chat or email and we’ll set one up for you.

Here are some of our top tips on great 2019 stationery trends to look out for:

You don’t need to limit yourself to black or blue ink: using highlighters or coloured ball pens is a known and proven way of managing projects (‘Bullet Journaling’ to give it its proper name), allowing you to visually track jobs as you progress them.

Agreed, the heyday of letter writing may be long over, but that’s no reason to abandon it altogether! Why not make an employee or customer feel special by sending them a written card congratulating them on a piece of work rather than just lazily sending a mass text or email to everyone on your smartphone?

On the subject of envelopes don’t limit yourself to white or manila – why not choose a brightly coloured one instead? This is great for personal mail, but it’s also a proven hit for business mail as well and is far less likely to be binned-without-opening – could you resist the lure of a silver envelope?

Keeping on the mailing theme, don’t just bung on a bog standard label – give it some love by adding your company logo, a graphic or 2, and use a legible but more personal looking scripted font – ‘Angelina’ is one of our favourites! The DYMO label machine, for example, is extremely quick and easy to use!

10 Interesting Stationery Facts That You Probably Never Knew!

Office essentials can be more interesting than they seem, trust us! A huge number of the UK’s workforce are using stationery day in and day out, but how much do they really know about the world of office supplies? In honour of #NationalStationeryWeek, we’ve explored some awesome facts about stationery that you probably never knew!


  • Post it notes were not invented, they were created by accident

Spencer Silver was working away back in 1968 trying to create a strong adhesive but could only come up with a very weak adhesive that could be removed without leaving behind any marks and the world of post-it notes was born!


  • Pencils have proven mightier than pens

The average lead pencil can draw a continuous line for approx. 35 miles. However, if you would like to test this, we would suggest bringing along a handful of sharpeners too and film it as we’d love to see it!


  • Yellow highlighters account for around 85% of all sales

As yellow is in the middle spectrum of visible light, yellow ink highlighters work really well for people with colour blindness and this is one of the biggest reasons for the high quantities of yellow highlighters ordered.


  • The world’s most expensive pen sold for 8 million dollars

Back in 2010, the ‘Fulgor Nocturnus’ pen sold for 8 million dollars at a Shanghai auction and was decorated with 945 black diamonds and 123 rubies. What we want to know is, did the owner actually use it or simply just admire it!


  •  45 million ink cartridges are sent to landfill sites in the UK

In summary, to help you visualise this fact, it would cover the Manchester’s United football ground at Old Trafford, 17 times.


  • One pine tree can make just over 80,000 sheets of paper


  •  Pen lids cause an average of 100 deaths a year

How many times have you been told off by a teacher or employee for chewing on a pen-lid? Here’s why! To help people breathe, many pen manufacturers now put holes in the pen lids to help prevent choking.

  • Before rubbers were created, stale bread was used!

This works, honest we’re not pulling your leg! Why not try it out for yourself next time you leave a loaf in the cupboard for too long?


  • Pencils can also write underwater

Yes, it’s true a pencil will also work in water although, we’re not sure how well the paper will fare. What’s more, pencils can also write in zero gravity!


  • Staplers were originally called ‘Hotchkiss’

The stapler was initially named after the company, E.H. Hotchkiss of Norwalk who invented it.


  • Quills Office Supplies for UK businesses

So now we’ve enlightened you to a few fun facts about the world of stationery you can tell all your friends what you’ve learned!  One other key fact is that some Office Supplies providers like Quills can simplify the ordering process as your one-stop shop for all your office services. Take a look at all our services.